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  Alloy: 合金A metallic substance that is composed of two or more elements.由两种及以上元素组成的金属材料。Weight percent (wt%):质量百分数Concentration specification on the basis of weight (or mass) of a particular element relative to the total alloy weight (or mass).。Stoichiometry: 正常价化合物For ionic compounds, the state of having exactly the ratio of cations to anions speci-fied by the chemical formula.在离子化合物中,正、负离子的比例严厉遵照化学公式定义的化合价关系。Imperfection: 缺陷,不完全性A deviation from perfection,normally applied to crystalline materials wherein there is a deviation from atomic/molecular order and/or continuity.对完善性的偏离,在材料科学范畴中通常指晶体资料中原子/分子在排列次序/持续性上的偏离。Point defect: 点缺点A crystalline defect associated with one or, at most, several atomic sites.一种仅波及一个或数个原子的晶体缺点。Vacancy: 空位A normally occupied lattice site from which an atom or ion is missing.一个缺失原子或离子的晶格节点地位。Vacancy diffusion: 空位扩散The diffusion mechanism wherein net atomic migration is from lattice site to an adjacent vacancy.一种扩散机制,此时原子的净迁移是从晶格节点位置迁移到相近的空位中。Self-interstitial: 自间隙原子A host atom or ion that is positioned on an interstitial lattice site.处于自身晶格间隙中的原子或离子。Schottky defect: 肖脱基缺陷In an ionic solid, a defect consisting of a cation?vacancy and anion?vacancy pair.在离子晶体中的一种缺陷构造,它是由一个阳离子空位和一个阴离子空位组成的空位对。Atomic vibration:原子振动The vibration of an atom about its normal position in a substance.材料中原子在其平衡位置四周的振动.一般说来,这种振动与温度相干,温度越高,振动的幅度越大,因此也称为原子热振动。Substitutional solid solution: 置换固溶体A solid solution wherein the solute atoms replace or substitute for the host atoms.溶质原子代替或取代溶剂原子而形成的固溶体。Interstitial diffusion: 间隙扩散A diffusion mechanism whereby atomic motion is from interstitial site to interstitial site.一种扩散机制,此时原子的活动是从晶格间隙位置迁移到另一个相近的间隙地位。Interstitial solid solution: 间隙固溶体A solid solution wherein relatively small solute atoms occupy interstitial positions between the solvent or host atoms.相对尺寸较小的溶质原子盘踞溶剂或晶格原子之间间隙地位所形成的固溶体。Solid solution: 固溶体A homogeneous crystalline phase that contains two or more chemical species.Both substitutional and interstitial solid solutions are possible.包括两种或两种以上元素的均匀单相,固溶体可以以置换固溶体或间隙固溶体的情势存在。Solid-solution strengthening: 固溶体强化Hardening and strengthening of metals that result from alloying in which a solid solution is formed.The presence of impurity atoms restricts dislocation mobility. 由于形成固溶体的合金化进程引起的金属硬化和强化,其机制是异类原子的存在限制了位错的可动性。Solute: 溶质One component or element of a solution present in a minor concentration.It is dissolved in the solvent.溶液(固溶体)中,含量较少的组元或元素,溶质溶解在溶剂中。Solution heat treatment: 固溶处置,均匀化退火The process used to form a solid solution by dissolving precipitate particles.Often, the solid solution is supersaturated and metastable at ambient conditions as a result of rapid cooling from an elevated temperature.让沉淀物融解而形成固溶体的热处理进程.通常情形下,从固溶处置温度下快速冷却,形成室温下亚稳态过饱和固溶体。Solvent: 溶剂The component of a solution present in the greatest amount.It is the component that dissolves a solute.溶液(固溶体)中,含量Zui大的组元,此组元溶解了溶质。Burgers vector : 柏氏矢量A vector that denotes the magnitude and direction of lattice distortion associated with a dislocation.表现位错引起晶格畸变水平和方向的矢量。Composition (Ci): 成分,组成The relative content of a particular element or constituent (i) within an alloy, usually expressed in weight percent or atom percent.合金中某一元素或组分的相对含量,通常用质量百分数或原子百分数来表现。Defect structure: 缺陷构造,缺点组态Relating to the kinds and concentrations of vacancies and interstitials in a ceramic compound.在陶瓷化合物中,与空位、间隙原子的类型和偏聚有关的缺陷组态。Dislocation: 位错A linear crystalline defect around which there is atomic misalignment.晶体资料中的线状缺陷,在其邻近,原子产生错排,永新显微镜。Plastic deformation corresponds to the motion of dislocations in response to an applied shear stress. Edge, screw, and mixed dislocations are possible.在外加切应力作用下位错的活动可以导致晶体材料的塑性变形.可能存在的位错类型有刃型位错、螺型位错和混杂型位错。Screw dislocation: 螺型位错A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion created when normally parallel planes are joined together to form a helical ramp.The Burgers vector is parallel to the dislocation line.一种一维线型晶体缺陷,形态上可是描写为当相互平行的相邻晶面之间依次错粘合在一起形成的螺旋型斜面的中心线区域所形成的原子错排组态,螺型位错的柏氏矢量平行与其位错线。Mixed dislocation: 混杂位错A dislocation that has both edge and screw components.同时含有刃型分量和螺型分量的位错。Dislocation density: 位错密度The total dislocation length per unit volume of material, alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section.在单位体积材料中包括位错的长度,或者说在材料内部任意单位截面上位错线的根数。Dislocation line: 位错线The line that extends along the end of the extra half-plane of atoms for an edge dislocation, and along the center of the spiral of a screw dislocation.刃型位错中过剩半原子面边沿的连线,或者螺型位错中错排螺旋的中心轴线。Edge dislocation:刃型位错A linear crystalline defect associated with the lattice distortion produced in the vicinity of the end of an extra half plane of atoms within a crystal.The Burgers vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line.一种一维线型晶体缺陷,形态上可是描写为晶体中存在的过剩半原子面的末端邻近区域所形成的原子错排组态,刃型位错的柏氏矢量垂直与其位错线。Electroneutrality: 电中性The state of having exactly the same numbers of positive and negative electrical charges (ionic and electronic), that is, of being electrically neutral.材料中一种正负电荷(离子和电子)数目准确相等的状况,在此状况下,材料是不带电的。Frenkel defect: 弗仑克尔缺陷In an ionic solid, a cation?vacancy and cation?interstitial pair.在离子固体中的阳离子-空位对和阳离子-间隙原子对。Grain: 晶粒An individual crystal in a polycrystalline metal or ceramic.金属或陶瓷多晶体中的一个单独的小晶体。Grain boundary: 晶界The interface separating two adjoining grains having different crystallographic orientations.把两个相邻具有不同晶体学取向的晶粒分别开的界面。Grain growth: 晶粒长大The increase in average grain size of a polycrystalline material, for most materials, an elevated-temperature heat treatment is necessary.在多晶体材料中晶粒均匀尺寸的增添,对大多数材料来说,这须要在必定温度下进行热处置。Grain size: 晶粒尺寸The average grain diameter as determined from a random cross section.从资料任一横截面上丈量的晶粒直径的均匀值。Microscopy: 显微术,显微镜学The investigation of microstructural elements using some type of microscope.用某种类型的显微镜对材料微观组织情形进行的研讨。Microstructure: 显微组织The structural features of an alloy (e.g., grain and phase structure) that are subject to observation under a microscope.在显微镜下察看到的某合金的结构特点(例如:晶粒和相的组织结构特点)。Photomicrograph: 显微组织照片The photograph made with a microscope, which records a microstructural image.在显微镜下拍摄,记载显微组织结构形态的照片。Scanning electron microscope: 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)A microscope that produces an image by using an electron beam that scans the surface of a specimen, an image is produced by reflected electron beams.Examination of surface and/or microstructural features at high magnifications is possible.应用一束电子流扫描样品表面,用样品产生的反射电子束发生图象的一种显微镜.扫描电子显微镜的利用使对样品的表面特点和显微组织特征进行高倍视察成为可能。Scanning probe microscope: 扫描探针显微镜SPM)A microscope that does not produce an image using light radiation. Rather, a very small and sharp probe raster scans across the specimen surface, out-of-surface plane deflections in response to electronic or other interactions with the probe are monitored, from which a topographical map of the specimen surface(on a nanometer scale) is produced.一种不用光学射线发生图象,而是用非常尖利的探针依次横扫描过样品表面,应用探针对被测样品进行扫描,同时检测扫描进程中探针与样品的相互作用(如样品-探针间的隧道电流或相互作用力等),得到样品相干性质(如电子态密度、形貌、摩擦力、磁畴结构等),因而统称为扫描探针显微镜(SPM)。Transmission electron microscope: 透射电子显微镜(TEM)A microscope that produces an image by using electron beams that are transmitted (pass through) the specimen.Examination of internal features at high magnifications is possible.透射电子显微镜是用穿过样品的透射电子束发生样品组织形貌像的显微镜,在透射电子显微镜上,可以在高倍下研讨样品的内部构造特征。

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